Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Day

Seldom have I looked forward to a New Year's Day with such relish as I do now, sitting here, clicking away on the keys.

Not because I'm looking forward to a New Year, New Me! - how many years have I been blogging?  How many times have I touched upon this?  I really abhor that particular marketing ply - targeting people's insecurities and making them think they need to be anything other than what they are, that the Old Them is anything less than fine exactly as is -

Well anyway - it's not because of that.  It's not because I looooove winter or I have a skiing vacation planned or because there's anything to look forward to, particularly - I just want to get rid of this calendar with its copious reminders of how much has gone wrong in a twelve month period.  Serious Seriously.

An optimist would tell me to focus on the good things.  I have tried; there's a new baby cousin, a deepened relationship with another cousin, one of The Youngs has achieved success  at school with his pharmaceutical cocktail, this was the first summer in forever I did not get a sunburn, and my clunky, rattly, squeaky old Family Truckster did not crap out on me or require any repairs more significant than a tire change.   I did not die or sustain injuries when said Family Truckster blew said tire on a highway.  Mom survived her heart attack and had a successful operation to treat the malfunctioning artery. The Man's cancer screening test came back clear again. We are in relative health. There is a roof over our head.  There is much for which I am thankful.

A realist would tell me nothing but nothing is going to change tomorrow.  The blessings will be there, intact, as will the problems.  It's an arbitrary flip of the calendar page.

A pessimist - well - let's leave them out of it.

But I can't help thinking I want this twelve month block to go away and stop hurting me.

So, goodbye, 2014.  Here's your hat, what's your hurry?  Too bad, so sad, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.  Arrivaderci, f*cker.

Come on 2015, make with the good stuff.  I promise to write nice things about you in a year's time.  

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