Where are the comments??? Is this because nobody's reading, despite the page views and number of dots being on a steady increase? Or is it because of the word verification issue? Or the fact you need to sign in? Tell me. Because the newspaper column I write is wonderful and I get fan mail. Sometimes it's actual mail - on paper and everything. More often by far, it's an email. And I really like that. Probably too much.
Blogging is like that, or it used to be, but with the little treat at the end of instant gratification.
Let me say this about that: Gratification is a little freaking thin on the ground around here.
So while nobody is compelled to comment and say things good, bad, or otherwise - I suppose I'd prefer silence to banalities - I'm curious why people aren't commenting when, on my last several blogs, the comments came thick and fast.
What's the haps, people? (As my 12 year old would say - what's the haps...seriously...wth...)
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